
Experts give advice on eating during Ramadan

Medical professionals in the United Arab Emirates have issued a dietary recommendation for the holy month of Ramadan, during which Muslims fast.

According to them, the health benefits of religious fasting include detoxification, colon cleansing, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and improving immunity.

According to experts, the best way to make fasting easier is to approach suhoor rationally. Thus, one should avoid consuming fried and spicy foods such as curries, nihari, biryani, caffeinated drinks and sweets, including desserts.

As these foods cause abdominal bloating, increased acidity and thirst and hunger attacks which make fasting difficult. You should end the fast with a glass of water with a squeeze of lemon, after which you can eat dates, soup and fruit.

Hydration of the body should be the key focus at the end of fasting. Overeating should be avoided during fasting days, so one should not eat dinner late and go to bed with a full stomach. Sweets and desserts should be replaced with dried fruit, and regular physical activity after sunset should be done to avoid gaining weight.

As previously reported, in the first week of the holy month of Ramadan, emergency rooms in hospitals in the United Arab Emirates overflowed with patients suffering from indigestion and upset stomach.

Experts warn that overeating during iftar and breaking the fast with junk food can lead to hospitalisation. In some cases, overeating can cause long-term health problems.

After fasting for hours, the human body is not ready for the sudden intake of large amounts of food. The body is shocked by the large amount of carbohydrates and fatty and unhealthy foods, resulting in pain and even vomiting.

Most patients are admitted to emergency departments in the first two hours after iftar. These include patients with comorbidities such as diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney disease and migraine, as well as cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.

Patients with these conditions should consult a doctor before fasting to avoid serious consequences. All other fasting people should adjust their diet to make it healthier and more wholesome.

Source: Arabian Business

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