
Binance sets up light show at Burj Khalifa

The iconic Burj Khalifa building, the tallest building in the world, will host two spectacular Binance light shows at 8:25pm GMT on 24 – 25 September to celebrate Binance’s recent MVP (Minimum Viable Product) license in Dubai. The show will feature spectacular animation that will illuminate the entire building, introducing thousands of viewers to the Web3 journey.

Dubai is currently one of the fastest growing virtual asset centres in the world. The emirate recently established the Virtual Asset Regulatory Authority (VARA), a body set up by the Dubai government to regulate virtual assets, product operators and exchanges. Binance is one of the first virtual asset exchanges to receive an MVP license from VARA.

The newly granted license will allow regulators to oversee the gradual rollout of Binance’s products to qualified retail and professional investors, ensuring transparency, broad legislation, consumer protection, and an internationally applicable policy framework.  Visitors to the venue at the foot of Burj Khalifa, next to Souk Al Bahar, will see a world-class light show combining elements of Metaverse, NFTs and Web3 – the perfect stage to honour the Binance Virtual Asset MVP License. More than 200,000 people visit the Burj Khalifa every day and everyone will have the chance to take part and win prizes, including NFTs and Binance merchandise!

On both days of the light show, visitors will have the chance to join the celebration on social media and win one of 10 exclusive NFTs as well as various Binance merchandise for 10 other participants. To enter the competition, simply walk down to the Burj Khalifa at the Dubai Mall exit in downtown Dubai, follow @BinanceArabic, take selfies or a video of the light show and upload it to Twitter using the hashtag: #BinanceAtTheBurj.

The competition runs from 24 to 30 September 2022, so join the festivities and follow on social media for more prizes to celebrate this historic event!

Source: Binance

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