Interview with Alina Dyachenko Influencer, Founder & CEO of CHIC ICON

Tell us about your background?

I was born in Russia, but spent many years studying and working in Barcelona, Spain where I did two MBA degrees in Business Management. So, I am a Spanish citizen now. I’m a globe trotter and a very cosmopolitan person, I just love to travel and live in different countries experiencing new cultures and traditions. I lived in 10 different countries in total from Miami, USA to New Delhi, India. I think I can write a book about it! 

How did you fall in love with Dubai?

It is always love and hate relationship with Dubai, which is a sign of a deep affection! (laughs) It can be quite challenging here and not many people have a high business culture, but I can say with no doubts that Dubai is the new land of opportunities. American dream is dead and reborn in the Middle East and Far East! I love the vibrations and the energy of Dubai; I love the fact that you can meet many interesting people from all over the world. The quality of life is very high and it’s very safe here. The taxes are low and it’s not that complicated to open your start up business in Dubai. What else you can wish for?

How did you become an entrepreneur?

I was studying business and always wanted to do a business startup. I did my BA in Russia, Finland and Italy and did two MBAs on International Management and Marketing in one of the best business schools of the world in Spain. After my graduation I built a successful carrier in a big International Magazine and travelled the world opening franchise offices. When I was 26 years old I decided that I am ready to do my first start up, so I moved to Dominican Republic to open a distribution company with a partner. It was a good time as I participated in a few business startups, and still have a share in a local premium cigar company! Then I moved to Dubai to do the same, but quickly realized that media business is what I really want to do and know how to do. That’s how CHIC ICON was born.

What is your main business now?

At the beginning of 2020 I announced my big personal project – CHIC ICON, a Luxury Lifestyle Magazine & Tailored Events. We cover only the best in luxury across the globe being based in the luxury capital of the world Dubai, UAE and strongly focusing on quality editorial content and visuals. We provide the ultimate luxury city guide showcasing the world’s most prestigious products and services, together with exclusive interviews, industry news and reviews, as well as exceptional business to consumer events for true connoisseurs of luxury, corporate businesses and wealthy consumers from around the globe.  We also have a private members club only for VIPs called The Club where we organize travel, business and cultural events all year, exposing our members to emerging trends in the technology, media, arts, cuisine, travel, commerce, and thought. I’m very proud of our design division! We do web design, corporate design, branding, SMM… offering clients 360-degree service. 

What about other projects?

I still do export/ import business part time and a business consulting, connecting business conglomerates with each other. Thanks to my rich International experience I have a plenty of good contacts all over the world. Now I’m developing my first mono jewelry collection made of precious stones and a fashion brand for premium market. I’m super excited to announce it soon! 

What’s the favorite part of your work?

To do what I love to do and being able to share the beauty of this world with people. For me the most important part of my work is to bring value and benefits to other people.

What are your plans for the near future?

To expand the brand CHIC ICON through franchise system. Soon new offices are opening in Russia and Dominican Republic, hope more countries are on the way.  Also, I’m planning to open an International charity project soon and a big foundation… but it’s a top secret yet!

Your childhood dreams?

To become an astronaut and fly to another planet.

Your favorite book?

“Master and Margarita” by Bulgakov