Interview with “The Wolf of Wall Street” Jordan Belfort

Interview with “The Wolf of Wall Street” Jordan Belfort

The Global Distributed Cloud Storage Summit (DCS 2021) is being held at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre in the UAE from 15-17 December 2021. The meeting brings together representatives from relevant government agencies, renowned blockchain industry experts, industry investment institutes, relevant academic and research institutes, stellar project participants and other parties. This conference will provide the distributed storage industry with more policy, financial support and a greater influx of human resources.

“The Wolf of Wall Street” himself, Jordan Belfort, attended the Global Distributed Cloud Storage Summit (DCS 2021) as part of Blockchain World Abu Dhabi. Belfort was joining as a key speaker and host for several Business Club VIP events throughout the program, which were designed to delve into all things blockchain, including lunch sessions and several activities during the festival. Having evolved from a Bitcoin Bear to a Blockchain Bull, Belfort is not only incredibly enthusiastic about the future of the metaverse but also a direct contributor, with several upcoming NFT collections inspired by his personal life and the incredible 2013 film, “The Wolf of Wall Street.” Belfort holds a cryptocurrency portfolio and is an investor in digital projects and culture.
Igor Sergeev, journalist and editor-in-chief of Dubai people, was happy to attend the event and commented: “You can’t ignore that the world is changing, you have to keep up with the times! We live in a very interesting time, a time when you can no longer say “Oh, this is not for me”. A lot of information is now appearing every day, every second. Blockchain, cryptocurrency and other technologies are now appearing more and more in the kitchen table conversations. Stop being surprised and just start learning about it!”

Igor Sergeev, Jordan Belfort

After the presentation, Jordan gave an interview to Igor Sergeev.

A lot of people ask you about the future of cryptocurrency, but I want to ask the next question

What is the most important thing in your life?

My children, my family. Of course I won’t be modest, I love money, yachts and expensive things, I like earning and spending money. But my children are the most important thing in my life.

What is your goal at the moment?

I am interested in the meta universe, and I want to develop in that direction.

Jordan, do you have an idol?

No, not really.

When you wake up and feel bad, what do you do to raise your mood?

I usually exercise. I like weight lifting, playing tennis. Exercising always makes me feel better.

What is your main mission in life?

My main mission is to help other people to become successful.

How much money do you spend on yourself per year?

Well, it’s five million dollars, I think.

Could you name the main mistakes in the financial management of your personal money?

I love to spend money, I am not a saving type of person. My attitude is that I have always been in the mood for wealth. I was never set on saving. I wanted to make so much money that I could spend as much as I could imagine. It’s not exactly a rational approach for most people, but it’s fine for me. You know, my problem is that I sometimes focus heavily on certain instruments in investments and don’t diversify enough . For example, I don’t have enough investments in real estate. These are probably my mistakes.
Belford also added that he invested 60% of his money in cryptocurrency, 10% in real estate and 25% of his money he keeps in cash. “Yes, I’m an aggressive investor,” Jordan commented.

Igor Sergeev, Jordan Belfort

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