Global Art Forum takes place during Art Dubai

The 15th edition of the Global Art Forum, commissioned by Shumon Basar, is called “This is the Picture” and explores the world of digital artefacts and the crypto-economy. The programme is in dialogue with the new Art Dubai Digital section.  This year’s forum will take place on 10, 12-13 March 2022 during Art Dubai at Madinat Jumeirah.

Over the last decade we have witnessed a Great Turning Point: online is no longer secondary to offline. Have we become an extension of our screens? We are seeing new values emerge from new virtual assets, as the lack of digital space and objects can finally be measured. Art and culture have always reflected social and technological change. Where do we go from here?  

‘This is the Picture’ invites artists, curators, creators, thinkers and technologists to participate in sessions addressing this question:

  • Innovative NFT art platforms and projects showcased at Art Dubai Digital and beyond
  • Digital communities, also known as decentralised autonomous organisations
  • The promises and dangers of the Web 3.0 world
  • Crypto-subcultures and the economy of memes
  • The emerging aesthetics of the meta-verse
  • How legacy audiences and institutions interact with these accelerated developments.
Shumon Basar

These lectures, discussions and conversations – combining face-to-face sessions and live video performances – will be like a telling screenshot of our evolving times. Guests of the Global Art Forum include: Guy Ullens, Jérôme Neutres, Ryan Zurrer, Judith Benhamou-Huet, Holly Herndon, Mat Dryhurst, Dorian Batycka, Hito Steyerl, Chris Fussner, Cyberbaat, Morrow Collective, NFT Asia, Fingerprints DAO, Kevin Buist, Daniel Felstead, Ruba Al Sweel, Lawrence Lek and Saeed Al Darmaki.