RTA launches Delivery Service Excellence Award

The Dubai Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has established the Delivery Service Excellence Award to encourage delivery companies and drivers to participate in improving road safety in the emirate. The award also aims to improve the level of customer service provided by delivery companies.

The award consists of two categories. The first category, “Companies,” is designed to recognize the top two delivery companies, as well as the top two delivery companies with smart platforms and applications. The second category is “Professional Drivers,” which recognizes the top 10 drivers each year.

The RTA attaches great importance to road safety and strives to implement Dubai’s road safety strategy. It works hard to achieve its vision of zero fatalities to make Dubai the best in the world in terms of road safety. From this perspective, the RTA seeks to streamline the delivery market to improve traffic safety for cyclists and road users, as well as to satisfy the interests of all stakeholders.

The award promotes a competitive environment among delivery companies, improves customer service quality and best practices, and improves road safety. It also motivates drivers to comply with traffic laws.

The main criteria for selecting the best delivery companies are adherence to health, safety, environmental and quality standards, compliance with RTA requirements and international best practices, use of advanced technology and ongoing training, and improved customer satisfaction. Criteria for selecting top drivers include a clean record in terms of complaints, infractions and accidents, in addition to a positive evaluation of the employee’s performance.

The Covid-19 pandemic led to a surge in demand for the services of delivery companies to meet the needs of the public. The situation dictated the need to streamline the sector to ensure that excellent delivery services were provided to the public.

In this regard, the RTA published guidelines for the regulation of delivery services. It defined the specifications and conditions for motorcycle and driver registration and licensing, which included comprehensive motorcycle insurance. In cooperation with driver licensing institutes, the RTA trained about 10,000 motorcycle drivers to familiarize them with the conditions and responsibilities that must be met when driving motorcycles, such as speed limits and avoiding speeding lanes.

The manual also outlines conditions for licensing firms, the delivery process, driver training and performance, and specifications for delivery crates and driver uniforms. It also outlines conditions for contracting with delivery companies in accordance with international standards to ensure high safety and quality, reduce accidents and improve customer service. Compliance with these requirements promotes the public interest and the goal of “zero deaths” as part of the road safety strategy.

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