Dubai Civil Defence starts commercial operation of Emirates Safety Lab

The Dubai Directorate General of Civil Defence today announced the commercial launch of the Emirates Safety Laboratory (ESL) following the successful completion of its operational testing.

Following the launch, the laboratory conducted its first commercial test – an evaluation of NAFFCO’s building security equipment and systems.  Based on the test results, the Dubai Civil Defence Authority has formally approved NAFFCO’s products. The company was the first company to receive accreditation from Emirates Safety Laboratory (ESL).

Lt General Expert Rashid Thani Al Matrooshi, Director General of Dubai Civil Defence and Chairman of ESL’s Board of Directors, said the laboratory and certification body, the first state-run conformity assessment organisations in the Middle East, were established as part of the organisation’s efforts to ensure the highest safety standards in the construction sector. The ESL laboratory uses the latest advanced technology and best-in-class processes to ensure that equipment used in construction meets the high standards set in Dubai. The internationally accredited ESL laboratory and certification will become the official body issuing certificates of completion and safety compliance in Dubai, Al Matrooshi added.

ESL will work to further improve fire safety in Dubai and contribute to Dubai’s Clean Energy Strategy 2050, which aims to transform the emirate into a global centre for clean and renewable energy by 2050.

Brigadier Expert Ali Hassan Al Mutawa, Assistant Director General of Dubai Civil Defence for Fire and Rescue Safety, and Khalid Al Khatib, Director General of NAFFCO, were present at the launch ceremony.

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