CDA gets more powers by decree of Mohammed bin Rashid

As Ruler of Dubai, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE, issued Decree No. (9) of 2022, under which public interest organizations established by legislation issued by the Ruler of Dubai will be subject to the oversight and supervision of the Dubai Community Development Authority (CDA).

According to the decree, the Director General of CDA will decide on the scope of the Authority’s regulatory oversight of these organizations. The scope of oversight includes the organization’s sources of funding and income, as well as the nature of their expenditures. Under the Ordinance, public interest organizations are required to keep up-to-date financial and administrative records so that the Authority can review them when necessary. The organization must adhere to the standards of transparency set forth in the Decree and must appoint an outside auditor to audit its finances.

Organizations of public interest must adhere to the provisions of this Decree and the decisions made thereunder and cooperate with the CDA to enable it to carry out its regulatory functions. If organizations fail to comply with the provisions of the Decree, the CDA Director General is authorized to take action against the organization. This may include disciplinary action under the Dubai Civil Society Organization Regulation Act. The Authority can also issue recommendations to the relevant authorities to liquidate the organization.

The decree requires all public organizations to cooperate with the Dubai CDA and provide the information and documents required by the Authority to perform its duties in accordance with the Dubai Civil Society Organization Regulation Law, as well as the new decree and the decisions issued pursuant to it.

The Director General of the Dubai CDA will issue the necessary decisions required to implement this Decree, which will be published in the Official Gazette. This Decree shall nullify any other legislation that may conflict with it. The Decree shall take effect on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.

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