Results of the DFM international investor roadshow 2022 in London

The Dubai Financial Market (DFM) 2022 International Investor Roadshow in London successfully attracted many of the world’s leading investment institutions. The event demonstrated the deep confidence of international investors in Dubai’s financial market prospects as well as their enthusiasm for further expansion in the future.

The Roadshow was organised in partnership with HSBC on 9 and 10 June 2022 with the participation of nine equity and debt issuers in Dubai’s capital markets, namely Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), Dubai Islamic Bank, Emaar Properties, Emaar Development, Emirates NBD, DP World, Amanat, Aramex and DFM Company.

The event included 162 one-on-one meetings with senior representatives from 56 international funds managing more than US$2 trillion in assets.

Commenting on the success of the roadshow, Hamed Ali, CEO of DFM and Nasdaq Dubai, said: “International investors are actively participating in our market, providing almost 52% of trading activity and 23% of ownership. On the other hand, our listed companies are increasingly opening up to foreign investors. Aramex, for example, recently allowed 100% foreign ownership. These positive indicators and initiatives reinforce Dubai’s capital markets position at the forefront of the most welcoming and accepting of foreign investment in the region. The success of the roadshows, as evidenced by the number of institutions and meetings, is also further evidence of the strong demand as Dubai accelerates steps to implement its ambitious financial markets strategy and gives further impetus to our ongoing efforts to boost trade activity and attract additional local and international investment.”

It should be noted that the roadshow was organised alongside last week’s HSBC GCC London Conference, which focused on emerging markets and provided a unique opportunity for participating companies to present their business development and growth strategies to a wide range of international equity and fixed income investment institutions.

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