The world’s most expensive postage stamp issued in UAE

The United Arab Emirates has issued the world’s most expensive modern postage stamp, presented by the Emirates Post Group. The stamp is dedicated to the UAE’s Golden Jubilee and has a circulation of 2021 copies. Each stamp contains 1 gram of gold and is worth 2021 dirhams (US$ 550).

There are a total of four stamps in the collection. The second is titled ‘Spirit of the Union’, the third ’50th Anniversary Year – 2021′ and the fourth ’50th Anniversary Projects – 2071′. Each one costs AED 250 (US$ 68) and has a digital copy (NFT). The stamps can be purchased from anywhere in the world.

It is noted that Emirates Post Group has become the first company in the region to start issuing blockchain-based postage stamps in the form of non-exchangeable tokens.

In April 2022, Dubai Police announced its first NFT collection of 150 free, non-exchangeable tokens. The collection symbolises the values of innovation, security and communication.

Both residents and foreigners living outside of the United Arab Emirates will be able to own digital assets. They can be shared with friends and on social media pages.

Non-exchangeable tokens are built on blockchain and cannot be faked or copied. These digital assets contain information about their creator and owner. Dubai Police was the first government agency in the UAE to issue digital assets and the first police organisation in the world to implement the initiative.

Source: Cointelegraph

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