DFWAC ends awareness campaign for children 

The Dubai Foundation for Women and Children (DFWAC) today wrapped up an awareness campaign launched as part of a 10-day summer camp organised by the Department of Islamic Affairs and Charities (IACAD) from 18 to 28 July 2022.

The DFWAC campaign included a series of interactive workshops and programmes on the psychological and social aspects of children, targeting parents and children aged 7 to 14.

Shaikha Saeed Al Mansouri, acting CEO of Dubai Foundation for Women and Children (DFWAC), said that the foundation sought to participate in the summer camp to raise awareness of children’s rights, teach parents to understand children’s needs and teach children how to protect their bodies and minds from any abuse, using fun and creative teaching methods.

Shaikha Saeed Al Mansouri, acting CEO of Dubai Foundation for Women and Children

Activities included a special workshop called ‘My Body is Mine’ and another workshop from a psychological and social perspective, as well as interactive sessions with pets to raise awareness among children.

The campaign was designed to combine fun with learning, using innovative teaching methods and creative approaches. Children were offered balloons with faces with sad and happy emotions, and each child had to pick the balloon that best reflected their feelings.

A special workshop was also organised for parents to raise their awareness of children’s rights and needs at different age stages through a holistic psychosocial perspective. During the meeting, there was a presentation about DFWAC, its services and the categories it supports, highlighting the detrimental effects on a child growing up in an abusive environment.

Source: WAM

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