Aisha Al Mansoori

Aisha Al Mansoori – the first female captain

Aisha Al Mansoori, 33, a national of the United Arab Emirates, has become the country’s first ever female aircraft captain. She will be piloting Etihad’s passenger airliners.

Aisha Al Mansoori has worked her way up from pilot-cadet to commander, with more than 6,000 flight hours and 15 years in aviation under her belt. Aisha Al Mansoori is said to be the sister of Major Maryam Al Mansoori, the first woman in the UAE to become a fighter pilot.

Aisha joined the airline in 2007, her first aircraft was a single-engine Cessna 172, her second was a twin-engine Diamond DA42. As a cadet she trained to fly the Airbus A320 and Airbus A330 passenger aircraft and became the first UAE citizen to fly the A380, the largest passenger airliner in the world. She will be piloting the Airbus A320 as captain.

“Etihad is extremely proud of Captain Aisha’s achievement and the trailblazing role she is playing for women in aviation in the UAE. She will no doubt be the first of many, and Etihad looks forward to welcoming more female pilots to the rank of Captain in the future,” said Mohammad Al Bulooki, chief operating officer at Etihad Aviation Group.

In April 2021, the United Arab Emirates named the country’s first female astronaut as Noura Al Matrushi. She was trained as an astronaut by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

In March 2021, a woman took up the post of Duty Officer for the first time at the Dubai Police. Police Academy graduate Nouf Khaled Ahli has taken up duty at the Naïf station, in Dubai’s most populous area.

In 2018, Dubai royalty Sheikha Moza bint Marwan bin Mohammed bin Hasher Al Maktoum became the first female passenger liner navigator in the emirate’s ruling family. She began her career in 2016.

Source: The National

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