Dubai Police, Europol

Dubai Police holds meeting with Europol

The Dubai Police General Command and the European Police Agency “Europol” have recently discussed ways to promote cooperation and exchange of experience and best practices.

This was when His Excellency Lieutenant General Abdullah Khalifa Al Marri, Commander-in-Chief of Dubai Police, welcomed Catherine de Bolle, Executive Director of the European Police Agency “Europol” and her accompanying delegation, at the Dubai Police Officers Club, in the presence of Expert Major General Khalil Ibrahim Al Mansouri, Assistant Commander-in-Chief for Criminal Investigation Affairs, Major General Jamal Al Jallaf, director of the General Department of Criminal Investigations and other senior officers.

The meeting discussed means of cooperation between Dubai Police and Europol in training and crime prevention. It also reviewed International cooperation statistics between the Dubai Police and International law enforcement agencies.

The delegation was also briefed on the outcomes of the Wold Police Summit that the Dubai Police hosted last March and arrangements and plans for the next summit in 2023.

At the end of the meeting, Dubai Police Commander-in-Chief gifted Catherine de Bolle a commemorative shield on occasion for her visit.

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