We are the World

Children’s art exhibition “We are the World” in Dubai

Love for art helps us to look at the world wider and brighter, to feel and think deeper. Opening the world of art to children is the surest and most important way that helps them grow, develop, think creatively, solve non-standard problems and shape their personality. Art develops creative abilities, thinking and intellect, forms positive self-esteem and self-confidence, broadens horizons and forms moral guidelines.

We met a wonderful person, the founder of the ArchiHub company, the Ambassador of the Association for Cultural Diplomacy of the project “We are the World” Lilia Grebneva, who shows children the incredibly interesting world of art and architecture.

 “ArchiHub” company organizes the international children’s exhibition “We are the World”, which will be held on October 26 in Dubai.

“We are the World” international children’s drawing exhibitions and competitions take place in different countries since 2018 under the patronage of the Association for Cultural Diplomacy. The exhibition “We are the World” features 5,000 works from more than 40 countries: France, USA, UK, UAE, Kazakhstan etc.

The company “ArchiHub” wants to attract and support young talents, bring them together in a creative event, where they can express themselves, share their vision of the world, their dreams and attract the attention of the public. This project also aims to strengthen intercultural links between countries through the arts.

The “We are the World” project’s founder and president of the Association for Cultural Diplomacy, Stéphanie Gaspard, believes that “today’s children are the leaders of tomorrow”. They need to be supported and to create favourable conditions for creativity.

”We are The World” Exhibitions were held in: The Carrousel du Louvre – Paris, France; The Astronautical Museum – Russia; the Christiane Peugeot Cultural Center – France; Sofitel Beverly Hills, LA – USA; Opus -UAE; Ritz Carlton -Kazakhstan.

“We are the World” Exhibition/Competition takes place on October 26 in ToDA, the UAE’s first digital art theatre that offers a 360-degree immersive experience to its visitors.

We invite you to JOIN this wonderful creative community, contribute to the Project and support children’s’ talents!

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