Kvitka CIC

Kvitka CIC: project to help Ukrainian refugees into jobs

Following the tragic events and the start of the aggressive military invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, the UK opened a programme for Ukrainian refugees that allows individuals or families to move to the UK for a set period. The programme also includes the right to work for adults and the right to study for children. It is also known that Ukrainian defence requires all available manpower to be able to fight the Russian aggressor. As such, the vast majority of Ukrainian refugees to the UK/Scotland are women and children, as well as families who often join their ranks in pre-retirement or retirement age.

With this in mind, and in order to enable vulnerable Ukrainian women to find employment and provide for their families during the evacuation, the organisers of Kvitka CIC would like to focus activities and support vulnerable adult Ukrainian women as the main target audience.

Being of Ukrainian descent, the founders/directors of Kvitka CIC see and appreciate that the Scottish Government cares and provides additional resources to help integrate Ukrainian refugees into the local community.

Tony Birrell, Kieran Cannon and Katerina Hayes alongside programme attendee Tatiana Solodovnyk (Image: LR Comms)

Part of this is achieved by establishing a host family, providing free accommodation and allowing Ukrainians to work and apply their skills for the benefit of their families as well as Scotland/ Great Britain as a country. Kvitka CIC would like to support this movement.

The revolutionary mindset of Kvitka CIC lies in its unique concept that addresses two big issues for Scotland and elsewhere at the same time. Sustainability is at the core of Kvitka CIC’s mission.

Kvitka CIC helps Ukrainian, and not only, displaced vulnerable women, young people and children in the UK gain the tools to show strength within themselves through success and integration into society through training and employment in the UK and beyond.

Kvitka CIC is looking for partners, sponsors, investors and philanthropists to support the initial launch and help replicate the sustainable model worldwide.

Currently Kvitka CIC has an active music and dance academy, a beauty academy, a Ukrainian school, an IT & Business youth club, a summer camp (in progress) and a business and skills centre.

Programme attendee Tatiana Solodovnyk alongside Katerina Hayes in the new salon (Image: LR Comms)

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