Miracle of Hanukkah in Dubai with YOKA IIZUKA Jewelry House

Hanukkah is a traditional and joyful Jewish holiday. The eight days of Hanukkah are colorful, exiting and immensely popular. YOKA IIZUKA Jewelry House invites to celebrate this wonderful holiday together at Gala evening “The Hanukkah Miracle” that will take place in Four Seasons Hotel Dubai at December 22.

For the first time in Jewish history, diverse Jewish communities will get together in the United Arab Emirates and it will happen at Hanukkah time!

The event is organized together with the First Congress of Jewish Women and Jewish Communities Emirate’s.

First Women’s Jewish Congress is an open organization that aims to unite women of different ages and social statuses.


Leaders and founders of the Congress are Yudit Sorokina, Lora Gavrilova, Annetes Rudman and Yulianna Viner.

First Women’s Jewish Congress implements many projects to support low-income people on an ongoing basis, as well as provide one-time assistance in case of emergency. Their wards are women and children who find themselves in a difficult life situation; single pensioners; large families; people in need of expensive medical treatment and so on. The Congress also provides assistance to orphanages and educational institutions.

Education is an important task of the Congress. They conduct lessons and master classes, business meetings and sessions on an ongoing basis. Doing this they attract the best speakers, coaches and teachers from all over the world. There are many programs that are aimed at immersion in culture, art, cinematography, cooking and much more.

Congress participants get the opportunity to participate in thematic and charitable events, implement civil law responsibility and communicate with close in values and beliefs people.

The program of the gala evening includes candle lighting, welcoming words by speakers of Jewish communities of Emirates, unforgettable show and dinner.

YOKA IIZUKA Jewelry House will be glad to see you and celebrate together the Miracle of Hanukkah. The event will be joined by all those who hold dear the traditions of Judaism and the treasures of Jewish culture.

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