Hamdan-ALECSO Award winners announced

The Arab Organization for Education, Culture and Science (ALECSO) and the Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation for Distinguished Academic Achievement announced the results of the 25th session of the Hamdan-ALECSO Award for Distinguished Educational Research for 2022.

Representatives from 13 Arab countries took part in the award, where four winning research papers were presented out of 72 participants.

Professor Dr Mohamed Ould Amar, Director General of ALECSO, expressed his delight at the announcement of the competition results on the occasion of the Hamdan Foundation’s silver jubilee and the completion of 25 years of service to the development of the education sector.

He said that the organization’s partnership with the Hamdan Foundation demonstrates its intention to promote and disseminate educational research, highlighting the importance of researchers in providing all decision makers with the tools needed to create a high-quality, well-balanced education that helps bridge the knowledge gap between developed and developing societies. He stressed the importance of research in supporting initiatives of Arab governments and organizations to improve education levels.

Prof. Dr. Amar pointed out that the Hamdan-ALECSO Award has successfully identified effective research practices in education in the Arab world. The dissemination of these practices across the Arab world is helping to turn these initiatives into action in education, thereby enhancing the capacity and scope of research and its impact on raising academic standards in the Arab world.

He said the list of winners of the 25th session of the prize included four research papers. Three researchers are from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and one from the Republic of Yemen.

A ceremony to honour the winners of Hamdan-ALECSO Award will be organised in March 2023 in Dubai. It will be attended by the winners of various local, Gulf and Arab country level competitions, as well as international talent awards.

Source: WAM

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