
D33 aims to double Dubai’s economy size

His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Executive Council, in the presence of His Highness Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Deputy Ruler of Dubai, Deputy Prime Minister and UAE Finance Minister, today held a meeting of senior Dubai government officials at the Museum of the Future.

Their Highnesses reviewed the roadmap for the implementation of the Dubai Economic Programme “D33”, announced last week by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai. The D33 aims to double the size of Dubai’s economy over the next decade and strengthen its position among the world’s top three cities.

Their Highnesses stressed the importance of achieving the ambitious D33 target of 32 trillion dirhams over the next ten years.

Their Highnesses also reviewed the first ten transformational projects of D33. D33’s ten-year strategy aims to make Dubai the safest and most convenient city in the world and the preferred destination for major international companies and investments. D33 aims to make Dubai a leader in the global digital economy, the fastest growing and most attractive global business hub, a centre for sustainability and economic diversification, and an incubator and supporter of talented citizens.

The value of the overall goal set by D33 is AED 32 trillion by 2033. The agenda will promote sustainable economic growth through innovative approaches. It sets ambitious targets, including increasing the total value of foreign trade from AED 14.2 trillion over the last ten years to AED 25.6 trillion and adding 400 cities as key trading partners over the next decade. The agenda includes a programme to support the growth of 30 companies in new sectors that will become ‘unicorns’ and integrate 65,000 young Emiratis into the workforce and private sector.

The first set of D33 projects includes Sandbox Dubai, which aims to make Dubai an important hub for business innovation incubation by enabling the testing and marketing of new products and technologies. It also includes the Dubai Merchants Project, which will enable a new generation of Dubai merchants to expand their capabilities in various key sectors of the economy, stimulating the growth of the city’s vibrant commercial hub.

The agenda will include initiatives to empower Emirati youth with the skills they need for the future. The D33 project aims to transform Dubai into a leading global centre for higher education, so that young Emiratis can receive the highest quality education without having to leave the country.

The first phase of D33 projects includes the launch of the Dubai Green and Sustainable Industry Plan, which includes benchmarking against the latest industry standards, supporting green exports and adopting a carbon trading framework for the Dubai Financial Market.

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