Dubai Culture

Dubai Culture and Fiker Institute to develop Dubai’s cultural scene

Dubai Culture and Arts Authority (Dubai Culture) has signed an MoU with Fiker Institute, an interdisciplinary think tank specialising in international relations, public policy and culture, to establish a knowledge partnership to support Dubai’s cultural scene globally and promote research on culture and creative industries through panel discussions, publications, debates and sharing of experiences, skills and knowledge.

The MoU was signed by Hala Badri, Director General of Dubai Culture and Arts Authority, and Dubai Abulhul, Director General of Ficker Institute. This is in line with Dubai Culture’s desire to strengthen its local and international partnerships, which promotes innovative collaborations that advance knowledge development and provide valuable opportunities to support local and regional artists.

Hala Badri said: “This collaboration will further empower Dubai’s cultural and creative sector. By sharing our experience and knowledge with the Fiker Institute, we will work to harness the power of this partnership through new initiatives and dialogues that will serve to guide our vision and strategic roadmap.”

Dubai Abulhul said: “Through our knowledge partnership with Dubai Culture, we want to bring Emirati and regional artists, writers and creatives to the forefront of global issues and debates. We could not have found a better partner to help us achieve our vision of having our stories told by us, not for us as a region.”

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