Dubai Cares

Dubai Cares’ achievements in 2022

Building on its 15 years of leadership in the global sector, Dubai Cares, a civil society organisation formally affiliated to the UN Department of Global Communications (UNDGC), has made significant strides in 2022.

The ecosystem approach to transforming education is reflected in Dubai Cares’ Global Education Transformation Framework, which was launched at the World Government Summit 2022 at Expo 2020 Dubai. The Framework served as the main guide for countries during the national consultations of the Education Transformation Summit (TES), which took place at the 77th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA), and was widely used in national consultation reports outlining individual countries’ plans for education transformation. It has also contributed to global discussions and proposed solutions for transforming education, being presented in the Discussion Paper for TES Action Track 2, Learning and Skills for Life, Work and Sustainable Development.

Dubai Cares demonstrated its continued commitment to promoting and prioritising Early Childhood Development (ECD) at the World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education as a key partner in developing the global ECD agenda. At the event, which took place in November in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, the organisation participated in a number of high-level sessions and meetings.

In addition, the Dubai Cares pavilion completed its participation in Expo 2020 Dubai, attracting 246,720 visitors of all ages and nationalities over 6 months.

On World Food Day, which is celebrated on 16 October every year, Dubai Cares, together with award-winning writer Flavel Monteiro, launched ‘Lunch. Feed. Educate” to raise funds to support the education of underprivileged children around the world. The initiative offered UAE residents the opportunity to sample 7 unique dishes prepared by 7 renowned chefs from 7 restaurants across the country, with the proceeds going to Dubai Cares’ school feeding programmes.

Dubai Cares has also seen an overall increase in fundraising and support received from the community during the year, including both home-based businesses and large organisations spanning a range of sectors such as F&B, retail, education, fashion, sports, finance and e-commerce.

To show solidarity with the families affected by the floods in Pakistan, Dubai Cares, Emirates Red Crescent and Sharjah Charity International launched the ‘We Stand Together’ volunteer initiative in September in close collaboration with the UAE Ministry of Community Development (MoCD) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MoFAIC), and with support from nine other UAE humanitarian organisations. The initiative, held simultaneously in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah, saw hundreds of volunteers from seven emirates collect 1,200 tonnes of food, health and general hygiene items, including 30,000 food kits, to provide emergency relief to affected people.

In addition, Dubai Cares also held three editions of Volunteer Emirates, the organisation’s local volunteer initiative that brings the UAE community together throughout the year to donate their time in support of an educational cause. Through the programme, hundreds of volunteers have improved the learning environment at three schools, including: Al Tafawq School in Sharjah, National Charity School for Boys in Dubai and National Charity Private School for Girls in Nasiriya, Sharjah. In addition, Dubai Cares has also supported Senses Residential and Day Care for Special Needs by providing essential anti-bacterial furniture to improve the welfare and safety of students.

 Dubai Cares received the Global Champion Award from Room to Read in recognition of its commitment to the Room to Read programme and in honour of its dedication to the fight for literacy and gender equality in education. Dubai Cares also received the ‘Humanitarian Award’ from the Distinctive International Arab Festivals Awards (DIAFA) 2022 in recognition of the organisation’s humanitarian efforts to support children and youth access to quality education.

Going forward, Dubai Cares will continue to champion the role of transformed education systems in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, putting education and learning at the heart of human development strategies to ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for people and the planet. The organization’s achievements in 2022 have therefore underpinned its increasingly prominent role and positioning in global debates aimed at linking education to other global priorities. Most recently, the organisation has been named a COP28 education partner, where it will bring the global education sector closer to the centre of the COP28 agenda.

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