Yoka Iizuka

Yoka Iizuka Jewelry House and the First Jewish Women’s Congress organize the first-ever “Hanukkah Miracle” gala evening in Dubai

First-ever “Hanukkah Miracle” gala evening was held with the support of Yoka Iizuka Jewelry House and the First Jewish Women’s Congress on December 22’th, 2022 in Dubai. The event was attend by prominent international businessmen, famous influencers, public figures and media. More than 250 guests came to the Four Seasons to share the celebration that symbolized the spiritual fortitude and the victory of the light over darkness.

Rabbi Elie Abadi, Senior Rabbi of the Jewish Council of the Emirates in the United Arab Emirates  opened  the evening started with the words: “Hanukkah is celebrated by Jews around the world as a holiday of joy and hope, as a time of celebration and gratitude. The candles lit in every window remind us that God will always protect us from darkness”. Elie Abadi lit the first candle at Hanukkah (the special holiday candlelight).

The Owner and CEO of Yoka Iizuka Jewellery House wished love, happiness, peace and kindness to all the guests in her welcoming speech. She was pleased to see all the guests of the holiday Hanukkah and emphasized how important it is to be closer to each other, to unite and give love in these difficult times. Also she thanked the team that helped to organize the event.

The representatives of the First Jewish Women Congress Laura Gavrilova and Judith Sorokin congratulated the guests with the holiday of hope and joy, wished everyone blessings and love and noted that it is the Jewish people tradition not to fight with darkness “with sticks”, but to light a candle for the sake of peace and love, as the great rabbis commanded and taught.

Abdul Majid Sadiki and Mr. Maxim Mikhailov joined in lighting Hanukkah candles too.

The representative of “Alexandra Gallery Dubai”  Alexandra Timorina presented to Mrd. Iizuka and Mrs.Sorokin two pictures of famous Israel artist Irina Markov-Shagal. She emphasized how important for Mrs. Irina to honor the Hanukkah celebration that was held in UAE even from the distance.

Yoka Iizuka

A performance of a ballet continued the event with national dances to the well-known Jewish music. All the guests did not leave until late in the evening.

The organizers of the event are very grateful to their partners “Dubai People” Magazine, Stork Education Center and personally to Ms. Alexandra Gilmanova, Oksana Babaeva”Just Babaeva Nguen”, “World Arabia” Publishing House, “Alexandra Gallery Dubai” and personally to Ms. Alexandra Timorina, UWILL WORLD International Women’s Community and personally to Ms. Yulia Titova, “The Chic” Magazine, “Prime” Magazine, Ms. Anna Grigoryeva Co-Owner of “Any-Key Marketing Management Dubai Cosmetic company” Alpera.

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