
UAE residents consume more fruit and vegetables

Residents of the United Arab Emirates have increased their consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables, according to a study commissioned by the Irish Food Council.

In the survey, 50% of respondents said they choose foods that help strengthen the immune system, with more than half of those surveyed also stressing the importance of high quality (56%).

Local consumption scenarios have helped change government efforts to tackle obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

In the first half of 2022, the UAE recorded an import level of over 41,000 tonnes of food per day.

This figure is predicted to rise due to a number of factors, including a growing population, high demand for imported products from foreigners living in the country and a significant expansion of the tourism sector with the opening of a large number of new hotels and resorts.

With 88% of the UAE’s population made up of foreigners, there will be a variety of diets and a wide demand for fresh fruit and vegetables produce.

61% of people in the United Arab Emirates who tried to lose excess weight in 2022 failed to achieve their goals or the weight quickly returned, according to a study by Allurion.

The most common methods used to lose weight are the classic ones – diet and exercise – but success rates are low. Therefore, many require comprehensive solutions involving health professionals.

The survey also shows that about 30% of those surveyed have not optimised their diet, 26% are afraid of gaining weight due to the food they eat, 24% cite a tendency to overeat and another 23% feel that they eat too fast.

35% are dissatisfied with their weight, shape and image and 73% have promised to lose weight before 2023.

Source: Trade Arabia

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