travel company

Dozens of people deceived by travel company in Dubai

Dozens of Dubai residents have fallen victims to a travel company whose staff absconded with the money of customers who bought travel and entertainment passes from it as part of a promotion. It is learnt that the total amount of damages exceeded AED 500,000.

According to the victims, they paid between AED 10,000 and AED 30,000 for subscriptions that promised one free family holiday a year anywhere in the world, discounts on hotel stays, free membership to fitness clubs, tickets to concerts and many other privileges.

The victims have now set up a social media group and filed a collective complaint with the police. They have also approached the Dubai Department of Economy and Tourism for assistance and protection of their rights. After word of the alleged scam came to light, the travel company closed its office and disconnected its phones.

It is noted that the travel company was selling passes as part of a presentation at a hotel, promising guests a free holiday. They also lured visitors with free lottery tickets, promising prizes. Customers repeatedly tried to use the season tickets but were turned away by the travel company, citing lack of hotel accommodation and other reasons.

Earlier, the United Arab Emirates Ministry of Interior urged the public to be wary of cyber fraudsters and not to engage in contact or correspondence with them.

Recently, UAE residents have often received suspicious messages on their smartphones containing the logos of government agencies, such as the UAE police or the Central Bank.

Such messages are usually accompanied by a link or a request for a one-time password (OTP). They lead users to believe that the data is being requested by officials.

The ministry confirmed that information from government organisations is sent only from official numbers. In addition, the authorities do not ask for personal details or banking details in messenger correspondence.

Policemen have urged the public to report receiving suspicious messages to protect themselves and other members of the public from cyber criminals.

Source: The National

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