Expo City Dubai

Expo City Dubai announces new festival

During the holy month of Ramadan, Expo City Dubai will host the Hai Ramadan festival, which will introduce visitors to the culture and traditions of the holy month. Entry to the event, scheduled from March 3 to April 25, will be free.

Organisers promise an enchanting atmosphere, delicious snacks and exciting activities. At the night market, vendors will be offering perfume, gifts and bespoke clothing.

Hai is an Arabic word with a double meaning of ‘good neighbourhood’ and ‘welcome’. The festival will last for more than 50 days, starting the weekend before the traditional UAE holiday of Haq Al Leyla. Prayers, including isha, tarawih and tahajjud, will be held at a special mosque on the festival grounds.

After the taraweeh prayer, storytellers will recall the ancient Arabic art of haqawati, which features folk tales and stories of adventure, culture, religion and morality. Guests are also welcome to meet the Misaharati, who wake the faithful before dawn for suhur with drumming and singing.

All visitors will also be treated to a theatrical performance by Expo 2020’s official mascots, Rashid and Latifa, at Al Wasl Plaza. Children of all ages will be able to join games and workshops and learn about Emirati culture and the values of Ramadan, such as kindness, generosity and compassion.

In order to promote a healthy lifestyle, sports tournaments for adults will be held at Expo City Dubai. Games will be played in a specially equipped area and fitness classes will be held. Before Ramadan, the festival will be held from 16:00 to 22:00, and from 17:00 to 02:00 during the holy month.

Source: Khaleej Times

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