
Massage as a tool for beauty and health at Elmax Salon & Spa

What is massage for you? A way to relax? A therapeutic measure? An opportunity to restore the beauty of your skin?

Hardly anyone can be found who does not enjoy a massage. After all, above all, it is a way of keeping us energised and in a good mood! The highly qualified specialists at Elmax Salon & Spa know how to give you that wonderful feeling.

Massage is an age-old way to restore the body’s vitality. There are various types of massage that are aimed at relieving various problems and ailments. Let’s have a look at the most popular massages.


It uses four techniques – stroking, rubbing, oscillating and kneading. Classical massage can also be therapeutic and preventive. It relieves fatigue, relaxes muscles and regenerates injured tissues.

An important aspect of a classical massage is the direction of movement. The masseur starts with the neck area and gradually descends downwards, working in the direction of the nearest lymph nodes. The amount of time you spend on the massage depends on your age and your goals. On average, the massage is carried out 4-5 times per session.


Foot massage is also a favourite treatment. After all, feet have a lot of work. Therefore, feet deserve special attention. The massage not only relaxes and relieves muscle fatigue in the legs, but also stimulates biologically active points, which improves the condition of the whole body.


Today cellulite massage is becoming one of the most popular massages for women. That is quite understandable. After all, over time, many women have a betrayal of orange peel, which is not so much harmful to health as morally oppressive. Anti-cellulite massage is still the only one recognised as truly effective way of preventing cellulite breakouts and getting rid of existing cellulite.

Anti-cellulite massage is much more energy demanding than the classical massage. This is justified because it targets the subcutaneous fat layer. Anti-cellulite massage increases blood circulation, normalises metabolism and removes toxins from the body. Surprisingly, after such a massage the figure is corrected and as a rule even the weight is slightly reduced. But most importantly – the skin becomes more elastic and firmer, losing its resemblance to the skin of a southern fruit.


Another massage that everyone can enjoy. Stressful situations occur at every turn. Stress causes involuntary muscle tension, which affects our emotional state. This leads to fatigue and a loss of vitality. Relaxation massage relaxes your muscles and the opposite process happens – the nervous system calms down and the body recovers. Relaxing facial muscles is important for relaxation because they are the first ones to send stress impulses to the cerebral cortex.

Massages of the collar zone, back and feet are also excellent for relaxation.



Aromassage is a type of relaxation massage combined with aromatherapy. The use of natural essential oils allows us not only to relax but also to set the body for rejuvenation, weight loss and increasing stress resistance.


As everything in the human body is interconnected, when its functions are disturbed, the whole body reacts. It is long known that each problem of our body has its own specific point. When the organism is overstrained, point-like muscle masses are formed. Their action on these masses causes relaxation. This principle is the basis of acupuncture. The acupressure is done by hand or with a special tool, a stick or ball. It is important that the masseur is an expert, as this kind of massage requires a lot of knowledge and precision.

The masseur’s professionalism is the key to a successful massage. For this reason, in order to achieve the best possible results and to guarantee the pleasure of your massage, we recommend having your massage treatment performed by a proven, highly qualified massage therapist, such as the masseurs at Elmax Salon & Spa.


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