social media

UAE residents lead in social media adoption

The United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Bahrain have been recognised as leading countries in terms of population uptake of social media, according to a UNESCO report. The study found that, on average, social media has gained widespread acceptance among the Middle Eastern population.

Thus, online platforms are used for both business and communication. According to the report, people in the Middle East and Africa spend more than three hours a day on social media. In terms of YouTube activity, Lebanon led the way, while TikTok was the UAE and nine countries in the Middle East had the highest usage of Snapchat.

Four MENA countries are in the top 20 for Instagram reach, with Turkey being the fifth-largest market for Instagram globally with nearly 49 million users. Three MENA countries are among the top 20 markets for Twitter. The report was published by the University of Oregon in cooperation with UNESCO.

In the United Arab Emirates, psychologists have previously found a link between social media fascination and rising levels of dissatisfaction and envy among users. It is specified that UAE residents spend on average 8.5 hours a day on the Internet, which is two hours more than the global average.

Experts say that live communication reduces stress levels and makes people feel healthier and happier, while hours spent on social networks and messengers (Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp), on the contrary, can cause the development of inappropriate behaviour.

Thus, the abuse of social media is a direct route to negative emotions, including dissatisfaction with oneself and envy of others, as people feel that their lives are very different from the images shown in glossy accounts.

Health experts are calling for more social ties and more time for lively communication, which has a direct impact on happiness and mental health. Social connections alleviate stress, reduce anxiety levels and immerse you in a state of comfort and joy.

Source: Arabian Business

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