Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi becomes smartest city in the Middle East

Abu Dhabi has won the title of the smartest metropolis in the Middle East and North Africa region – the capital of the United Arab Emirates has taken the top spot in the Smart City Index 2023 for the third year in a row.

The ranking is compiled by the International Institute for Management Development (IMD) in Switzerland in cooperation with the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). Globally, Abu Dhabi was ranked 13th out of 141 in 2023, with Dubai ranked 17th.

All other smart cities in the top 20 are either in Europe or Asia-Pacific, and there are no American or African cities at all. Residents of 118 cities around the world took part in the annual survey.

It assessed the infrastructure and digital services provided to the population in five sectors: health and safety, mobility, occupations of all kinds, opportunities (work and education systems) and governance.

It is noted that Abu Dhabi was named the smartest due to the use of next-generation technologies such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, as well as the development of many smart initiatives, including in the transport and logistics sectors.

According to the ranking, the top 10 smart cities in the world include: Zurich, Oslo, Canberra, Copenhagen, Lausanne, London, Singapore, Helsinki, Geneva and Stockholm.

The United Arab Emirates previously ranked among the world’s top 10 in the Soft Power Index, which measures a country’s ability to influence others through persuasion rather than coercion, according to the annual Global Soft Power Index ranking.

The United States, the United Kingdom and Germany retained the top positions in the ranking. The Emirates, in turn, turned out to be the Middle Eastern leader, taking 10th place in the global ranking.

In particular, the country has increased its influence in diplomatic circles thanks to the World Expo 2020, where it has established itself as a global trade hub.

The UAE has also become one of the most generous countries in terms of humanitarian assistance (third in the world), as well as ranked third globally in terms of economic growth potential.

Source: Khaleej Times

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