White Dragon

White Dragon exhibition shatters stereotypes about dragons

Dubai-based Satori Me, pioneers of the first environmental forum in the meta universe, held a private screening of the unique White Dragon project on 16 May 2023 at a private event at Art in Space gallery in Dubai.

White Dragon is a global non-profit environmental education initiative created by Satori Me. It is also an extraordinary project that celebrates the transformative power of art and promotes cultural exchange and environmental education.

During the private screening, Maria Ivina, patron, mastermind of the White Dragon initiative and head of Satori Me, invited artists and gallerists to take part in this incredible project and share their creative work in the exhibitions held as part of it. It was noted that the White Dragon exhibition presents a variety of artistic approaches and interpretations related to the revered significance of dragons in different cultures.

The exhibition brings together artists from around the world, and aims to highlight the amazing connection between humans, the earth and dragon mythology. It aims to force a rethinking of stereotypes about dragons in modern society and to revive their spiritual significance in many cultures. Dragons were once recognized as symbols of divine wisdom and spiritual significance by ancient civilizations around the world, including China, Japan, and Native American tribes. However, their legacy has been distorted over time and partly lost.

As Maria Ivina said, “The White Dragon Project seeks to allow audiences to rediscover dragons by stimulating a new understanding of their timeless symbols and importance. This revolutionary ‘physigital’ exhibition combines physical and digital art, including stunning digital paintings, video art and three-dimensional sculptures.”

“We are proud to announce that in addition to Dubai, the White Dragon project will be presented in four other major metropolises around the world in 2023: Tokyo, Seoul, New York and London,” added Maria Ivina.

It is worth noting that the exclusive fashion show in Dubai preceded the international launch at the Focus Art Fair in New York, which took place from May 18-21, 2023.

New York Art Week is the moment when art lovers from around the world come together. Focus Art Fair is a global community of artists, art lovers, collectors and art galleries. It is a place of interaction between digital and physical, futuristic art experiences through a virtual viewing room and NFT marketplace.

Source: Satori Me

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