Dubai Sports Excellence Model

Dubai Sports Excellence Model winners to receive awards

The Dubai Sports Council (DSC) has announced that the 9th edition of the Dubai Sports Excellence Model Awards Programme will be held at Al-Jawhara Hall in Madinat Jumeirah on 22 June 2023 to honour the winners who have achieved achievements in 11 competition categories over the last two sports seasons (2021 – 2022 / 2022 – 2023).

The competition categories of the 9th edition of the Programme, which include sports clubs and football companies in addition to players from various sports, are defined as follows: Seasonal awards: awarded to the best sports club, the best football company and the best special sports club / Specialised awards awarded to the club or company with the best corporate performance, the best club or company in financial competence, the best sports investment initiative and the best academy in talent sponsorship / Individual excellence medals awarded to the best budding football player, the best budding male or female player in individual 

The 9th edition of the Dubai Sports Excellence Model programme focused on outstanding talent, emerging players and aspiring athletes, and discussed ways to further support them beyond the Dubai Sports Club Awards in 2023.

The current edition of the programme is based on measuring levels of investment and financial performance, sporting achievements, commitment and compliance with laws and regulations. Individual and corporate performance over the last two sports seasons (2021 – 2022 / 2022 – 2023) will also be measured.

DSC believes that the achievements of clubs and football companies would not have been achieved without the support and clear planning of wise leadership, the ideal investment of resources and the use of successful pioneering experiences that have clearly contributed to the sports sector and related work and left a valuable legacy for the current sporting generations. Accordingly, DSC will also be honouring a new distinguished group of sports pioneers from previous generations at this ceremony, who have represented clubs in Dubai and delivered excellent results for clubs and national teams, given that the Council has followed this policy over the last eight editions of the Programme, launched since 2011, during which 45 pioneers in various areas of sport have been awarded. With the completion of the 9th edition of the programme, the number of awardees will increase to more than 50.

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