
Dubai residents prefer to eat out

Residents of Dubai are eating out more often in 2023, according to the results of a Gastronomy Always On study published by the local Department of Economy and Tourism.

For example, the number of restaurant and café visits increased by 61%. While previously Dubai residents ordered an average of 1.8 dinners per week at catering establishments, this year the number rose to 2.9.

On average, residents spend AED 162 per week on meals at cafe restaurants, or spend AED 51 per meal. There has also been an increase in take-home delivery, up 17%, from 1.7 to 2.0. This is largely due to the availability of a large number of online apps where food ordering can be done quickly and conveniently.

Members of the boomer, millennial and Z generation are most likely to eat out, the survey also showed. Dubai now boasts a collection of more than 13,000 restaurants and cafes and continues to build its reputation as a year-round global gastronomic hub.

As previously revealed, The Pointe’s famed shopping and dining district is facing a new fate – tenants of the commercial space have already received eviction notices from developer Nakheel.

Under Dubai law, the shops and restaurants have been given 12 months to vacate the premises. First opened in 2018, The Pointe is now home to many popular restaurants and other venues in the area, including those owned by natives of Russia and Central Asian countries.

Source: Caterer Middle East

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