
Air in Dubai and Abu Dhabi labelled ‘dangerous’

The air quality in Dubai and Abu Dhabi this week has been described by forecasters as dangerous due to increased winds kicking up dust storms.

The hottest day of the week is expected to be Thursday, when temperatures in the UAE capital will rise to +48°C. Winds of up to 40 kilometres per hour will blow in the northern and eastern regions of the country and cause a dust storm.

At the same time, clouds are appearing over some eastern and northern areas this week, signalling possible precipitation. Such weather will persist throughout the week.

Already in early July, residents and visitors to the UAE have witnessed extreme summer heat. During the heat of the summer, medical professionals recommend always carrying a bottle of water and drinking it regularly to avoid dehydration.

Symptoms of getting heat stroke to look out for can include dizziness or headache, rapid pulse, fatigue, muscle cramps and dry mouth.

Doctors point out that dehydration can lead to an increase in genitourinary diseases as well as kidney and ureter stones. They recommend drinking water with electrolytes or sports drinks to replenish the loss of salts and potassium released with sweat.

Consumption of vegetables, fruits and soups is also indicated during the summer heat as they contain a lot of fluids. At the same time, doctors urge to refrain from outdoor sports during the day, and when going outdoors, always apply sunscreen lotion with protection from UVA-UVB rays. The best time to exercise remains early morning or evening after 5pm.

Source: The National

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