
Ayaan Saboor Mendon conquers Mount Elbrus

Eight-year-old Ayaan Saboor Mendon, originally from India, has conquered Mount Elbrus with his mother Vani Mendon and father Saboor Ahmad.

The climber conquered the 5,642 metre peak in just five days, although he had originally planned to do it in eight days.

This was far from the first peak for the junior mountaineer as he had already climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania and Mount Kosciuszko in Australia.

“Climbing Mount Elbrus has been on my wish list ever since my parents conquered it a few years ago,” he told The National.

Ayaan said visibility was zero at times due to heavy clouds and he feared a thunderstorm was coming.

“Ayaan was at least a kilometre ahead of me when climbing – at times climbing even faster than the guides!” his mother said.

Earlier this year, Ayaan told that his goal was to climb the world’s three highest mountains in less than a year.

The boy has a strict training regime of running on a treadmill, carrying weights, sled pushing exercises and obstacle courses. He has also participated in Spartan and Tough Mudder competitions.

Ayaan plans to conquer a six-thousand-metre peak in India at the end of July, Island Peak in Nepal in October and Argentina’s 6,961-metre Mount Aconcagua in December.

Mount Elbrus at 5,642 metres is the highest peak in Europe. The peak is known for its harsh and unpredictable weather, severe cold and soft snow, which makes it much more difficult to work with heavy equipment. Compared to Mount Kilimanjaro, the expedition is considered more challenging.

Source: The National News

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