Ekaterina Karpenko

Interview with Ekaterina Karpenko, Master of Psychology

We live in a turbulent time, that makes our soul turbulent, and not everyone can cope with this. Here we resort to the help of a psychologist. That is why the profession of a psychologist has become now one of the most sought-after and popular. Ekaterina Karpenko is a successful specialist in the field of psychology. She shared the story of her career path, major achievements, projects and plans for development and promotion.

1.Ekaterina Karpenko is the Master of Psychology, hypnologist, sexologist. Why did you decide to connect your life with psychology? What difficulties did you face on the way to success?

The desire to become a psychologist appeared during my studies at school. This area always seemed very interesting to me, so I decided to try myself in this and entered the Faculty of Philosophy with the specialty “Psychology”. This is where my journey in this profession began.

I did not immediately enter the practice after graduation, at first I was engaged in organizing various events, concerts, beauty contests, staging choreographic numbers and conducting yoga classes. Thanks to this, I got a lot of experience in communicating with people, in which I applied knowledge from psychology, but it was more work with the body.

The next and one of the most important stages of my life was the period of building a family. When realizing myself in family life and the birth of children I came up with the need to re-immerse myself in psychology that was due to reasons related to the health of my eldest daughter. I was convinced that the causes of the problem were precisely psychological, and not physiological factors, having begun to study medicine and psychosomatics. I returned to psychology and began to consult thanks to my children, as well as my interest and motivation for physical and mental health.

Self-doubt is one of the main difficulties that arose on the way of my becoming a novice psychologist, despite the fact that at that time I was already receiving a lot of positive feedback from my clients, it still wasn’t enough for me, and I was constantly faced with impostor syndrome. I also faced the problem of the difficulty of working with my ego. I had to accept the fact that my main task is not just to be good, to help and heal a person; I need to tune in and understand what the human soul needs, what its path is and help in the easiest and fastest way to achieve the desired result.

Ekaterina Karpenko

2. Why do psychologists use such a tool as hypnosis in their practice?

In the context of psychology, hypnosis (trance states) is most often used to get to the subconscious of a person and heal a traumatic experience that triggers and interferes with his normal and fulfilling life. It becomes possible to turn off the logical and thought processes, remove the feeling of anxiety, relax and help the correct flow of energy in a person’s life, in his environment and body thanks to the induction into a trance state.

3. What requests are most often made to you as a sexologist Ekaterina Karpenko?

Most often I am approached with problems and dissatisfaction in intimate life: lack of orgasms and attraction to a partner, lack of connection with the body and the ability to hear his needs and desires. Just as often, people have problems with libido. Libido is not only about sex, but first of all it is the key energy in the body, that extends not only to the sexual sphere, but also to the sphere of desires in principle; it is a sphere of energy, a sphere of action.

There are certain mechanisms by which I diagnose clients and then we build a chain and algorithm of actions that help to improve this area of life.

4. Do you often take part in conferences, seminars as a speaker? Which of them were the most memorable and large-scale? What kind of feedback did you get from the audience?

At the moment I actively participate in various forums and conferences, as well as I continue my studies, advanced training as a specialist in the field of psychotherapy and energy practices.

The business forum “Another Level” was one of the brightest and largest events in which I managed to take part, thanks to that I received incredible feedback from the audience, as well as in my social networks. Participation in this event has become a new stage and reaching a completely new level: performing for a huge number of participants in online and offline formats, standing on a large-scale stage, speaking into a microphone, holding the attention of the audience, giving them my energy. The forum made an incredible impression on me and gave a huge push to my development.

5. What advice can you give to those who would like to express themselves through the stage? How not to be afraid of public speaking?

For a start I would recommend to try to imagine yourself on stage, to feel with your body the sensations that may arise, because we all have already lived this experience in our generic programs, or in past livesю Perhaps you will show not only positive and pleasant emotions, but also fears, unrest, anxiety, etc. may also arise. And it is with these negative emotions that you should work with a specialist who will help you get rid of them so that your first public performance is the most comfortable and successful and you can get the very inspiration after which you want to move on, go and develop in this direction.

Preparation is also very important for entering the stage, because “the best improvisation is a prepared improvisation”. It is important to work on the content of your speech, on the semantic charge of the material with which you will speak. Pay attention to your appearance, presentation, voice and intonation, emotional state, positioning.

You need to take it – and do it and don’t be afraid! Only through experience, going into your fear, you can approach the state of pleasure, relaxation when you perform on stage. Fear is just a fantasy directed towards the future.

Ekaterina Karpenko

6. What do you consider your main achievement in life?

The main achievements in my life are the full acceptance of myself, motherhood (I am the mother of three beautiful girls), interest in life, the desire to discover and learn something new, to develop and experience new states and new facets of myself, as well as the fact that I manage to combine work, training, upbringing and caring for children, travel, participation in various forums and events.

I have devoted more than twenty years of my life to choreographic art and teaching. At the moment, dancing is my main hobby; I also conduct various bodywork practices, yoga classes and dynamic stretching.

Now I have discovered a new direction that inspires and motivates me. It is the participation in forums and large-scale events as a speaker and expert.

I am also proud that I have been living in Dubai for more than a year, my children go to a local school, and I am developing here in my field of work.

7. What plans and goals do you set for yourself in development and promotion? What heights do Ekaterina Karpenko strive to achieve?

First of all, I plan to actively develop and maintain social networks, recruit a new audience, conduct lives; development of new products, not only personal and targeted consultations, but also large-scale projects accessible to a larger circle of people. I also plan to create and organize offline meetings in Dubai, where bodily practices will be carried out together with the psychological component (work with consciousness, subconsciousness, programs, metaphorical maps, psychotherapeutic techniques, etc.). The human body and psyche are closely connected, so it is very important to combine these components for high-quality, fast and productive work.

I set myself many ambitious goals, and the heights that I want to achieve are participating in large-scale forums, speaking to a large audience, interacting with public people and holding lives and joint events with them.

Ekaterina Karpenko with daughters