flying taxis

Dubai to launch flying taxis

The first flying taxis may start operating in Dubai as early as 2026. Experts estimate that thanks to the new mode of transport, the journey time from Dubai International Airport to The Palm Jumeirah will be reduced from 46 to 6 minutes.

Duncan Walker, CEO of Skyports, notes that air mobility is a safe and efficient way of transporting people and goods, in Dubai it can succeed thanks to modern infrastructure, first-class airports and the support of the local government.

The expert noted that air taxis can cover distances of up to 241 kilometres at speeds of up to 300 kilometres per hour. Each eco-friendly taxi accommodates a pilot and four passengers.

The Dubai Roads and Transport Authority is working with cutting-edge companies Skyports Infrastructure and Joby Aviation to design and develop the infrastructure to launch flying taxis with vertical take-off and landing by 2026.

Dubai will be the world’s first city with a fully developed network of so-called vertiports. At the first stage, the air transport line is planned to connect Dubai International Airport, Downtown Dubai, The Palm Jumeirah and Dubai Marina.

As previously reported, unmanned taxis will appear on the streets of Dubai in October. In the first week of October, 5 cars equipped with artificial intelligence will start operating on the 8-kilometre stretch between Etihad Museum and Dubai Water Canal.

The fare is currently undisclosed, but it is expected to be 30 per cent higher than the fare for a regular taxi. Unmanned eco-friendly Chevrolet Bolt cars are equipped with a set of sensors, cameras and radars to determine the distance to objects and people on the streets. The taxi will be able to carry up to three passengers at a time.

Source: Arabian Business

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