
Hiking and climbing season starts in UAE

The United Arab Emirates reminded about fines of 50 thousand dirhams for illegal organisation of group mountain climbing. From 1 November, the hiking and climbing season starts in the UAE, and thousands of residents of the country will rush to the mountains in search of outdoor activities.

According to the rules set by the tourism authorities in Fujairah and Ras Al Khaimah, tour organisers must obtain a licence and the guides working for them must take courses and pass exams on their knowledge of hiking routes. One guide is authorised to lead a group of no more than 10 tourists and must also complete first aid courses.

Back in March, the Fujairah Adventure Centre (FAC) introduced regulations to ensure the safety of mountain hikers. They apply to three categories of tourists: mountain trail conquerors, climbing organisers and tour companies.

The decision should reduce the rate of injuries and rescues due to mountain accidents. In particular, it obliges all mountain trekkers to register before setting out on the route with a special code.

This will allow the authorities to track the number of people in the mountains as well as the time of their trekking. Inspectors will be on duty in mountainous areas, namely on 10 routes, primarily in the morning and evening hours. The inspectors will, among other things, ensure the cleanliness of the trails, the preservation of the environment and local norms and customs.

The decisions were taken after sad incidents involving hikers became more frequent in the mountains. For example, in February, a young man of European origin died in the mountains of Ras Al Khaimah – his body was found by search and rescue teams.

In the UAE, the police have repeatedly warned of the dangers associated with mountain hiking. In particular, ignorance of the route can lead to loss of orientation in the mountains and even death of tourists. Tourists should take enough water (at least five litres) and provisions, satellite phones, torches and whistles, as well as wear comfortable clothes and shoes and charge phones before leaving home.

It is especially dangerous to go into the mountains alone or without a professional guide. If possible, there should be at least three experienced hikers in the team. The morning hours are considered the safest for climbing, especially during the hot season.

Source: The National

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