Dubai Police

Dubai Police adopts smart technology

Dubai Police has launched several new security projects to tackle crime, including theft and assault in residential and commercial areas. The projects use advanced technology and artificial intelligence to optimise operations, save time and resources, and improve the overall level of security in the emirate.

Previously, residential neighbourhoods, construction sites, money transfer companies and Dubai’s Gold Souk were identified as the most vulnerable points for crime.

As a result of the new projects, police have beefed up security measures at Dubai’s Gold Souk, including the use of strong glass panels, impenetrable locks and iron doors. The same locks have also been made mandatory in another project for warehouses, resulting in zero reported crimes in warehouses.

One of the projects for residential complexes launched last year made it mandatory for developers to install CCTV cameras linked to police control rooms and patrol the area. Developers are also required to provide adequate lighting and trained security personnel.

The Smart Home Project encourages homeowners to install sensors and cameras, as well as remote monitoring. Last year 330 homes took part and this year a further 450 homes have taken part, resulting in no thefts being reported.

The Police Your Neighbour project, which started four years ago, has also evolved to include citizen volunteers. It will now allow members of the public to gather community information for the police.

“Engaging with residents is crucial and security is a shared responsibility and not solely the domain of law enforcement,” said Colonel Aref Ali Bishoh, director of the Dubai Police Crime Prevention Department.

Source: The National

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