Raining Street

Raining Street in Dubai is set to become snowy

From 3 December 2023, the famous Raining Street, located on the Heart of Europe Islands off the coast of Dubai, will see a change of weather and snow. Thus, the landmark will turn into a snowy street in the run-up to Christmas.

Sprayers installed on the roof will throw snowflakes instead of raindrops to recreate a European winter wonderland next to the Cote d’Azur Monaco Hotel. The island can be reached from the coast of Dubai by boat, with a journey time of 30 minutes.

French hot chocolate, baked marshmallows, roasted chestnuts, mulled wine and fresh stollen will be distributed on the snowy street, which can be enjoyed during the snowfall until 7 January 2024.

Residents of the United Arab Emirates expect the onset of 100-day winter already this week. Thus, according to the calculations of the traditional calendar Al Drour, the coolest season will begin already in the period from 23 to 28 November and will last until 3-8 March 2023.

During this period of time, average daily temperatures will be between 18°C and 30°C. Winter in Arabia is a season of low pressure dominance, private weather shifts, rainfall and grass growth.

The Al Drour system is an astronomical system that has historically been used in the UAE to calculate the seasons and various climatic conditions. The calendar is divided into 36 ten-day segments, the starting point being precisely the appearance of the star Suheil on 24 August. It is still published by the Emirati Heritage Club in Abu Dhabi.

Dubai has previously been named one of the best places in the world to encounter the “winter sun”: during the winter months, the emirate has a sunny day of about eight hours and an average temperature of +24.6°C, a Travelbag study noted.

Dubai was ranked among the world’s top three by this indicator, trailing Santiago (Chile) and Cape Town (South Africa). Dubai’s rise in the rankings was helped by travellers’ high ratings of its attractions, with an average rating of 4.5 out of 5.

Source: The National

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