Saeed Alremeithi

Saeed Alremeithi creates farm with rare vegetables

A young Emirati named Saeed Alremeithi presented an organic farm with rare vegetables, fruits and herbs at COP28. His pavilion in the Green Zone showcases purple chillies, blue tea, papaya, arugula leaves and more.

“My farm is located in Al Ain in Suweih. We started this three years ago in 2020. Initially, we only grew mint and some vegetables such as sweet potatoes and melons,” Saeed says.

“Now we have 30 products. We have pickles and salsa, cheese and cream, eggs and more. All products are made on our farm using natural ingredients, except for the olive oil, which is imported from Tunisia from a friend’s farm,” says the young farmer.

While red and slightly orange chillies are familiar to UAE residents, the special purple chillies are not only notable for their bright colour or sharp flavour, but also for their rarity throughout the region.

The produce from his farm can be described as a rainbow of rare plants as he endeavours to grow a variety of organic produce that was previously impossible to find in the UAE.

What makes the project special is the creation of an integrated farm that includes the production of frankincense, various meats, grain vegetables, as well as utilising trees, palm trees and agricultural waste.

“There is a perception that only tomatoes can be grown in the Emirates because the weather conditions are harsh. But I want to prove that this opinion is wrong. We can grow different types of vegetables here,” Saeed Alremeithi says.

He buys not only local seeds, but also special seeds called Halim, which he procures from Canada, America and Al-Hasa in Saudi Arabia.

Saeed Alremeithi explains that the goal of the Organic Farm Project is to produce healthy organic food for all tastes locally.

Source: Khaleej Times

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