
First liver transplantation operation in Dubai

The first liver transplant operation in the history of the Emirate has been performed in Dubai. The life-saving procedure was performed at Kings College Hospital London Dubai on 29 November this year. Thanks to the co-ordinated work of surgeons and other medical staff, the life of a 38-year-old woman was saved.

According to health officials, the patient successfully underwent the surgery and is now on the mend.

According to Dr Tashfeen Sadiq Ali, chief medical officer at Kings College Hospital London, the condition of the woman, whose identity was not disclosed, is stable after the four-hour transplant and she has already been discharged from the hospital.

“We are very grateful to the donor’s family for their donation, thanks to which it was possible to save the patient’s life,” Dr Ali added.

It is learnt that the woman was suffering from advanced liver disease and her life was in danger. She was initially treated with medication and after admission to the hospital and thorough examination, it became clear that surgery was necessary.

After the transplant, the patient spent 48 hours in the intensive care unit under the supervision of medical staff. She was discharged 10 days after surgery and has been recovering well since then.

“As part of the post-transplant treatment plan, the patient must adhere to a long-term medication regimen. Regular monitoring, including weekly blood tests, will be critical to ensure the continued success of this historic liver transplant surgery,” Dr Ali said.

And this is not the first case of successful endeavours by UAE doctors. As previously reported, Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City (SSMC) Hospital in Abu Dhabi successfully treated a patient with an autoimmune disease (thyroid disease) with an innovative drug. Its effect is not limited to symptom management, but also addresses the underlying cause of the disease.

Source: Khaleej Times

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