
UAE scientists make breakthrough in fight against malaria

A research team from Mohammed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI) is working on a potentially revolutionary study in the fight against malaria.

Using new technologies and data processing techniques, and based on potential weather patterns, air temperature and humidity, the team of scientists can identify geographical areas where the next outbreak will occur.

All of this is made possible by sensor data fusion, a technique that combines information from multiple sensors to create a virtual picture of the world, or “digital twin.”

Historical data from multiple sources is used to better represent the physical world and ensure that the information captured by the artificial intelligence sensors is correct.

Using a combination of historical and sensor data, the researchers hope to be able to predict where malaria-carrying mosquitoes are most likely to migrate.

The team is also using information provided by meteorological centres, which are used to train the system with artificial intelligence algorithms.

Malaria is a life-threatening disease prevalent mainly in tropical countries. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), it infects about 250 million people every year, and in 2021 alone, 600,000 people died from this mosquito-borne disease.

The team members plan to use the technology in the future, but to fight other diseases. When the project is completed, they will be able to understand how to properly use the available data and apply the knowledge in other areas.

Source: The National

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