
Wolf Moon to rise in UAE skies

In January 2024, residents and guests of the United Arab Emirates will be able to observe two fascinating astronomical phenomena in the night sky at once – the parade of planets and the “wolf” Super Moon.

Thus, the parade of planets can be observed with the naked eye on 10 and 23 January in a cloudless sky. It is a celestial phenomenon in which several planets of the Solar System line up or are grouped close to each other.

Usually from three (celestial triangle) to six planets are lined up in a row or group. In the latter case, the phenomenon is most spectacular. In the early morning of 10 January, a spectacular quartet of planets will be visible in the sky over Dubai before sunrise.

In the 45 minutes before sunrise, Venus and Mercury will be visible, joined by Jupiter and Saturn. At the same time, Venus and Jupiter will be perfectly visible even without binoculars. At the same time, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn will take part in the parade of planets on 23 January.

On 25 January, the biggest full moon of 2024 is expected – a “wolf” Super Moon will rise in the sky above the UAE and will be 14% larger than the usual full Moon. The January full moon is also known as the icy, cold and disturbing moon because of the freezing temperatures in the northern hemisphere at the time of its appearance.

Source: Khaleej Times

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