Paula Ralph

Paula Ralph plans to cycle across 19 countries in 82 days

Paula Ralph, a British-born athlete from Dubai, is preparing to embark on the longest cycling journey ever undertaken by a woman. She expects to set a new world record by covering 23,000 kilometres in 82 days.

The cyclist will start in Cape Point, South Africa, and complete the journey in Nordkapp, Norway. Her challenging journey will cover 19 countries.

According to Ms Ralph, she has been planning the Long Ride for four years, driven by a personal challenge and a desire to inspire other women to realise their dreams. As well as her own aspirations, Ralph wants to raise awareness of mental health, and emphasise the importance of education for disadvantaged children.

She has undergone intensive physical and mental training. To combat the summer heat in Dubai, she chose a strict regime, waking up at 3am and hitting the road at 4am to cover the necessary kilometres.

Paula Ralph also noted the extraordinary support of Dubai’s cycling community, describing them as a very responsive group of people who played a crucial role in inspiring her to embark on the ambitious expedition.

The athlete plans to share her journey on social media, inviting followers to watch her progress, take in the sights, and participate in overcoming the challenges.

In addition to her cycling adventures, Paula aims to create a foundation for disadvantaged children to help them realise their potential. She is currently working with the Kwano Foundation in South Africa, and is keen to set up a new foundation following its example. She plans, through cycling and education, to give children a chance at a happy new life.

Source: Khaleej Times

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