
Talabat captures 76 per cent of Dubai’s food delivery market

Talabat has captured more than 76 per cent of the food delivery market in Dubai, according to the Emirate’s Gastronomy Industry Report. This leaves the other aggregators, including Deliveroo, Zomato and Careem, with less than a quarter of the market.

The report from Dubai’s Department of Economy and Tourism emphasises that demand for food delivery services is growing rapidly in the emirate on a wave of new apps. However, it should be noted that Zomato has already ceased operations since the initial survey.

Meanwhile, the rest of the companies catering to the food delivery sector have reported growth. For example, Talabat has seen a 400 per cent increase in orders in 2022. It is worth noting that younger competitors including Cari, NoonFood, Carriage, Locale and others have also entered the market.

Food with delivery accounted for 87% of online purchases made by Dubai residents in winter 2023. This compares to 73 per cent a year earlier. Online food delivery services are also popular among visitors to Dubai – every tenth tourist uses them. At the same time, travellers make an average of 2.7 orders per day in Dubai.

Dubai residents are eating out more often, according to the new Dubai Gastronomy Industry Report. For example, while in 2022 they dined in cafes and restaurants 1.8 times a week, in 2023 they dined out an average of three times a week.

The emirate ranks second in the world in terms of restaurant saturation. Catering establishments in the Dubai Marina, Oud Metha and Downtown Dubai neighbourhoods are the most popular.

Last year, Dubai saw an increase in the proportion of international visitors who were satisfied with value for money in cafes and restaurants, from 54 per cent in 2022 to 66 per cent in 2023. There are more than 13,000 restaurants and cafes operating in Dubai, with interest in the culinary ecosystem growing, with 69% of UAE residents considering Dubai the world’s leading gastronomic centre.

Source: Caterer Middle East

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