
Smog-Free-Tower appears in Abu Dhabi

The Abu Dhabi Environmental Protection Agency and property developer Modon Properties have announced the opening of the United Arab Emirates’ first Smog-Free-Tower on Hudairiyat Island.

The tower is designed to clean the ambient air from smog and is an urban innovation tasked with bringing a clean and green future closer.

It is worth noting that Abu Dhabi has built a developed network of monitoring stations that control the quality of atmospheric air. The tower on Hudairiyat Island is a pilot project – in the future similar structures will appear in other districts of the city.

The seven-metre tower uses environmentally friendly positive ionisation technology that purifies 30,000 m3 of air per hour. It allows people to inhale cleaner air while walking or playing active sports.

Similar structures have previously been erected in countries such as China, the Netherlands and Poland. This time, the Smog-Free-Tower has made its debut in the Middle East region.

As previously reported, UAE residents will soon be able to drink clean water created from the air in their own homes and offices. Ma Hawa, an Emirates-based company, has launched dispensers with different capacities to produce such water.

Before the water becomes drinkable, it goes through several important steps. Purified air is sucked in and cooled to release the water. The resulting condensate undergoes a purification process, resulting in safe and clean drinking water.

The system first uses a series of filters to purify the air. The water then enters a buffer tank where it undergoes three layers of filtration. In the final stage, the water is treated with ultraviolet light to kill bacteria. The Dh14,000 dispenser can create 30 litres of drinking water per day.

Source: Arabian Business

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