Expo City

Expo City Dubai announces Ramadan events

Expo City Dubai is gearing up to welcome UAE residents and visitors to celebrate the holy month of Ramadan. There will be more than 20 retail outlets and food carts for guests throughout the area. Iftars, suhoor and snacks will be available everywhere, as well as festive activities for the whole family.

Family iftar will be available throughout Ramadan at the newly opened Oasis Food Hall restaurant. Bookings are priced from AED 150 for adults, AED 90 for children aged six to 12 and free for children aged five.

The Iftar at Surreal Waterworks will be open to the public priced from AED 220 for adults, AED 95 for children aged six to 12 and free for children under five.

For those looking for a unique experience, specially organised corporate iftars will be available, priced from AED 275 per person.

Young visitors will be enthralled by Expo City mascots Rashid and Latifa, who will take centre stage in the theatre show ‘Quest to find the moon’, which teaches values such as kindness and compassion.

Magic Planet UAE will also offer children the chance to play arcade games.

Visitors can stop by the lively bazaar, which features handmade crafts and traditional clothing, as well as Grandmother’s Supermarket or Dukan Yadoo, where children can buy sweets using tokens earned at Floos Bank.

Expo City will also be home to a special cannon that will fire a single shot every evening to notify people of the start of iftar.

The mosque, located in the Sustainability District, will be available for worshippers to perform all prayers including Isha, Tarwih and Tahajjud.

Activities will take place daily from 17:00 to 00:00. Entry will be free for those who have booked iftar and suhoor, while the rest will have to pay AED 20.

Tickets will go on sale soon on Platinumlist and at Expo City.

Source: Time Out Dubai

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