WPS unveils traffic light drone

The World Police Summit (WPS), which kicked off in Dubai on Tuesday, unveiled a traffic light drone that will soon be in service with the United Arab Emirates police force.

Printed on a 3D printer, the smart traffic light will operate for up to 25 minutes on a single charge until a police patrol can reach the scene. “This is one of the first such traffic lights in the UAE and we hope to put it into production soon,” said a spokesperson for the developer, “If all goes well, we hope to start testing soon.

“It can be used as an improvised traffic light in emergencies or when a traffic light at an intersection breaks down,” said a Home Ministry spokesperson, “It’s a prototype right now, but we hope to put it into production as soon as it goes through final testing.

The smart drone was not the only interesting gadget unveiled at the WPS exhibition. Another discovery was a robotic sniper. The device, called UAE Sniper, shoots paint balls at a suspect or crime scene to tag them for further investigation. Developed by Ajman Police, the device has been in use for over three months and currently boasts 98 per cent accuracy.

The robot is equipped with two cameras and batteries, and can be remotely controlled. One of the cameras acts as a guide and the other as a sniper. The batteries can last up to 58 hours without recharging. The second iteration of this device will feature a 360-degree camera that can quickly and easily spot a target.

The three-day police summit brought together law enforcement officials from 138 countries, including the FBI, NYPD and Interpol. The latest advances in police technology, cyber security and road safety were all showcased in one place.

The WPS exhibition is taking place at Dubai World Trade Centre, and will conclude today, Thursday, March 7. Entry to the event is free for all UAE residents. At the exhibition, visitors can test the latest equipment, including an electronic small arms range set up by the Ministry of Interior. Visitors even have the opportunity to fire ten shots from a laser gun at a silicone dummy.

Source: Khaleej Times

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