Student from Dubai creates an app to share books

A student from Dubai has developed an app that can be used to give, buy and sell used books. In addition to school books, the app offers novels and bestsellers, said 17-year-old Bhandari, who was born in Kuwait and moved to the UAE with his parents in 2013 when he was 6 years old.

The app, called ShareAllBooks, is available for download on the Google Play and Apple App Store.

Users just need to sign up and they can search for the books they want. They can also filter them by genre or location. Users can also add their books that they would like to sell or donate. They can then contact each other directly to meet or arrange book delivery.

“Since the app launched last year, more than 200 books have already found new owners,” said Bhandari, who also said he receives messages from users who thank him for creating a platform where they can give away books that have been gathering dust at home for years.

“I believe in the importance and impact of my initiative and I am confident that we can sustain it in the years to come. I am excited to engage book lovers, students and parents in a more eco-friendly approach to reading,” he said.

Bhandari’s next plan is to expand the reach of the app overseas. “We can also endeavour to collect books here in Dubai and send them to needy schools and communities outside the UAE,” he said.

The principal of the school the teenager attends said the mobile app “not only aims to make educational resources more accessible, but will also help reduce the environmental impact of book production”.

Source: Khaleej Times

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