
UAE residents expect sandstorms

Unstable weather will continue in the United Arab Emirates this week, with the population expecting a drop in air temperature as a sandstorm develops.

The National Centre for Meteorology predicts winds of up to 40 km/h on Wednesday and Thursday, and up to 45 km/h on Friday. Powerful wind gusts will lift dust and sandstorms over a number of regions in the UAE.

Temperatures in Abu Dhabi are expected to drop from 41°C on Wednesday to 34°C on Friday, while in Dubai the thermometer will drop from 40°C on Wednesday to 35°C on Friday. According to forecasters, the UAE receives an average of 2.3mm of rainfall in May.

On Friday, cloud cover is expected to increase and temperatures will drop again, while on Saturday the weather will be clear, wind speeds will drop to 35 kilometres per hour and temperatures will rise to 36°C in Dubai and 35°C in Abu Dhabi.

The United Arab Emirates has begun the Kanat Al Thuraya season, which marks a significant temperature shift. Temperatures are beginning to rise above the 40°C mark. This season will last until 7 June 2024.

Kanat Al Thuraya signals the UAE’s transition from the spring heatwave to the peak of the summer heatwave. During this period, the air is usually dry and humidity levels decrease. According to Ibrahim Al Jarwan, chairman of the Emirates Astronomical Association, this season is a “transitional” season for the Arabian Peninsula as the dominance of the summer climate system begins.

The season begins with the disappearance of the Al Thuraya star cluster and ends when it reappears in the sky in the first week of June. Summer will begin after the day of the summer solstice when the sun’s rays reach the Tropic of Cancer.

On 24 August, the star Suhail will rise in the sky, which will mark the end of the summer heat. It is worth recalling that on 16 April, the UAE experienced its highest rainfall in 75 years. May also started with rainy weather, with rainfall sweeping the country on 2 and 3 May.

Source: The National

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