Slap Fighting

Slap Fighting Championship Arabia takes place in Dubai

The United Arab Emirates hosted the first Slap Fighting Championship Arabia slapping competition – attracting hundreds of spectators. The competitors came together in a brutal fight and in a tense atmosphere. Some were enthralled by the championship, while others were mesmerised by its intensity.

Previously, one could only watch such competitions on television or social media. The atmosphere on the court was electrifying: the spectators passionately cheered for the athletes, who hit their opponents, trying to bring the round to a knockout.

As the organisers noted, the trial championship was a great success, so in the new season they will hold it with even greater scope to surprise the audience and fans again.

The bout looks as follows: a simple coin flip decides which of the participants will strike first, after the slap the athlete is given 60 seconds to recover and strike back.

One exchange of blows is considered a round, of which there can be from three to five. The winner of Slap Fighting Championship is determined in several ways: by judges’ decision, by real or technical knockout.

The rules also specify prohibited techniques. The opponents are not allowed to hit each other with an unopened palm, move their heads before receiving a slap and make movements with their feet when striking. The rules are enforced by the referees.

Source: Khaleej Times

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