
Abu Dhabi residents can get discounts and bonuses for plastic recycling

Residents and visitors to Abu Dhabi can get nice discounts and bonuses by recycling plastic bottles through reverse vending machines (RVMs) installed across the emirate.

To promote sustainable waste management among UAE residents, 25 RVMs have been installed by Tadweer Group in parks, government buildings and Abu Dhabi Airport.

RVMs are a convenient way to recycle plastic bottles and aluminium cans and will help reduce such waste by 80% by 2030. For every plastic bottle or aluminium can, a credit is given for each plastic bottle or aluminium can. And afterwards, these credits can be redeemed for rewards from various retail partners.

Current programme partners include, Amazon, Lufthansa, Gourmet Lab, Max, Brands for Less, Filli, Emax, Dreamworks Spa and many others.

In order to earn rewards, you must download the Tadweer Rewards app. While depositing bottles or cans at the RVM, a QR code will appear on the screen of the machine. Scanning the code will result in credit points being awarded.

In addition, residents will also be able to track their personal contribution to the environment. The application shows data on saving space at the landfill, recycling of waste, reduction of carbon dioxide emissions and energy saving.

It’s worth noting that the dispensers’ cameras carefully scan all items being handed in, and if they detect, for example, shampoo bottles or other unsuitable items, they will be rejected and thrown into another box inside the machine. No credits will be awarded for such waste.

Source: Khaleej Times